Nora News: Not unlike the cicadas?

Dear Friends,

The cicadas are coming. As they burrow up from the darkness after a long period of solitude and darkness, they seek sunlight, the freedom of flight, and connection. We too are coming out of our long period of isolation and are buzzing with activity, though with more care, caution, and perhaps some unexpected side effects.

With the start of the new quarter, our seniors begin planning for graduation and celebrations. The juniors are preparing for an adventurous outdoor retreat zipping through the trees. The Junior Retreat is a required element of our program . We use the time together to build community as the Class of 2022, to challenge the limits of our comfort zone, and to prepare for the rigors of the coming year. We are excited that the modifications we had to consider will still allow us to fulfill our intentions.

Seniors, please remember to send me the name you wish to appear on your diploma. Juniors, please sign the waiver for Adventure Park.

Speaking of trees and insects, I feel compelled to share that the Emerald Ash Borer which has infected all ash trees in our area, destroyed our two twenty year old ash trees on our front lawn. We removed them this week with great sadness.




College Counseling at Nora School