Hands on Learning… Hands on Fire!
Dear Friends,
Thank you for providing the delicious food we had for Community Dinner before Back to School Night. It was a perfect evening to gather and reconnect. We met neighbors, old friends from 20 years ago, and favorite college professors just by walking around the school halls with one another. These “small world” encounters are such fun, and only possible by intentional interaction within our communities. I’m glad we are such an engaged and connected group. Thank you for taking the time to come meet each other and our fantastic staff and to hear about their wonderful classes.
We have strong new membership in the National Honor Society, our Academic Leadership Community. The current members will hold a ceremony for these new leaders on Tuesday at 2:15PM. It is a short ceremony, so if you’re joining us, please arrive promptly. Congratulations to everyone in NHS. We appreciate the enthusiasm you bring to learning, leading and serving.
Soccer Practice begins Tuesday. Practices are every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15-5:00. We will be practicing at Nolte Park in Silver Spring. Students can take the school bus with the coach to and from the park, or be picked up from the park at the end of practice.
Happy weekend.