National Honor Society
Congratulations to our newest members of on their induction into the the National Honors Society. Nora students in the NHS uphold a strong commitment to their academics and service. We look forward to their leadership in supporting our students and the wider community with activities they plan to run this year. Last year’s activities included tutoring students, providing support and guidance during Morning Meeting around exam week and end of quarter stress, and raising donations for children and those in need through the winter and holiday season. Big thanks to NHS Adviser Nisaa for organizing yesterday’s beautiful ceremony and guiding the members in their work.
Nora School holds a Virtual Open House for Prospective Families the third Thursday of every month at 9:15AM. If you know of families that might be interested in joining Nora, please invite them. They can contact marcia@nora-school for more information or see our website Small schools have less visibility, so word of mouth recommendations can make a world of difference to a family. Thank you.