New Programming for 2022
Model EU in International Relations Class
Happy New Year! And welcome to 2022. We are excited to be back in school. This past week was disrupted by Omicron, snow and testing delays, but we did it! Next week is a full week of school and some new and important programming.
Parents are invited to join us for the next segment of our Education Series. We will meet on Zoom at 7:00PM, Wednesday, for a presentation by Dr. John Hart on how to expand the conversation wit your teen. You can register for this program at
The Lab period this week will be structured by Seminars. Seminars are special instruction with detail oriented subject matter and time to practice. Seniors will be in the Portfolio Seminar preparing their February presentations. Juniors will be in the College Seminar to begin selecting different colleges for review, visits, and application. Freshpeople, Sophomores, and Juniors new to Nora this year will participate in a Mindfulness Seminar led byHead Emeritus, Dave Mullen.
Next week students will also be offered an opportunity to adjust their schedule for the second semester. We are offering some new classes, including Book Art, Cryptology, Algebra 2 and Drawing.
Before we move into the second half of the school year, we will sit for Mid-Term Exams, January 18-20. See Exam Schedule and Exam Study Tips Here. There are two 90 minute exams each morning, and a make-up day for absent students on Friday.
Please be sure all assignments of the second quarter are turned in before exam day.
Join us at our ongoing Parent Education Series. Reservation link above.