Events @ NORA
As part of our goal to be an integral part of our community, we frequently host public events for parents and non-parents alike. Click each title for more information - and be sure to RSVP as needed, to ensure we get you the proper instructions on how and where to join in!

Photography Festival 2025 - Submission Deadline and Information
Submission Deadline for Photographs is 5pm, Friday April 25, 2024. Submission Form Here.
Welcome, everyone, to our Annual Photography Festival! We are hosting an Exhibition, Workshop and Awards Ceremony from 10:30-12:30am on Saturday, May 3 2025, here at The Nora School.
Each spring, The Nora School sponsors a juried photography festival open to students in grades 6 through 12 from a wide variety of public, private, home and charter schools throughout the metropolitan Washington, DC, area.
You are invited to participate! Student photographers address a variety of themes in any way they choose, and a panel of professional photographers judges submissions.
The festival culminates in an an exhibition, a photography workshop, and reception here at Nora School, to which participating students and their families are invited. Prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place, with honorable mentions.
This annual event is a real favorite among students, parents, and teachers — and we hope you’ll join us again this year!
If possible, please print and complete this Submission Form. If printing is not an option for you, please copy and complete all fields from the Submission form on a separate piece of paper. IMPORTANT: Attach your information to the back of your artwork.
Submission Guidelines:
No entry fee is required.
Maximum of two entries per person.
Photographs may be in color or black and white.
All photographs must have been taken by a student in grades 6 through 12. Students in public, private, home and parochial schools are welcome to submit entries.
The entrant’s name, address, telephone number, school, grade, email, and the location of the photograph must be submitted along with the photographs.
Artwork must be mounted, total size including mat/mount cannot be larger than 16x20 inches.
Late, or previously published photographs are not eligible.
Subject matter must be appropriate for school display. This determination shall be final.
A team of professional photographers will judge the photos, based on originality, interest of subject matter, visual appeal, and technical merit. The decisions of the judges will be final.
Prizes will be announced at the virtual reception.
Deadline: Friday April 25, 2025, 5:00 pm
Questions? Email:

Anxiety in Teens: Counterintuitive Strategies for Easing Teen Anxiety (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Strategies related to teenage anxiety, walking the fine line between protecting your child and bolstering their independence. Click the title for more information!

Expanding the Conversation; From Reacting in the Moment to Improved Communications, with John Hart, Ph.D., LCMFT (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Hearing, listening and communicating with your teen. Click the title for more information!

Teamwork with Your Teen: How Family Meetings can Radically Change Collaboration and Communication (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Family meetings that can improve your relationship with your teen. Click the title for more information!

Parenting for Self Direction: The Seven Principles for Raising a Self Driven Teen, with Dr. Bill Stixrud and Ned Johnson (RSVP for link)
Giving teens space for more self direction and motivation. Click the title for more information!

RESCHEDULED: Parenting Through Connection: The 5 Keys to Raising Emotionally Healthy and Accountable Teens (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Keys to understanding the push and pull of parenting teens. Click the title for more information!

Parent like a Coach: Decrease Dependence and Create Sustainable Change with your Teen (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Strategies to help your teen become comfortable with achieving goals and transitions. Click the title for more information!

Getting Better at Feeling Bad: Helping your teen experience emotions more effectively (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Strategies to help your teen become comfortable with stressful emotions. Click the title for more information!

Photography Festival - Submission Deadline and Information
Submission Deadline for Photographs is 5pm, Friday April 5, 2024. Submission Form Here.
Welcome, everyone, to our Annual Photography Festival! This year we’ll be returning to our in-person festival roots, hosting an Exhibition, Workshop and Awards Ceremony from 10:30-12:30am on Saturday, April 13 2024, here at Nora.
Each spring, The Nora School sponsors a juried photography festival open to students in grades 6 through 12 from a wide variety of public, private, home and charter schools throughout the metropolitan Washington, DC, area.
You are invited to participate! Student photographers address a variety of themes in any way they choose, and a panel of professional photographers judges submissions.
The festival culminates in an an exhibition, a photography workshop, and reception here at Nora School, to which participating students and their families are invited. Prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place, with honorable mentions.
This annual event is a real favorite among students, parents, and teachers — and we hope you’ll join us again this year!
Please print and complete this Submission Form, and attach to the back of your artwork.
Submission Guidelines:
No entry fee is required.
Maximum of two entries per person.
Photographs may be in color or black and white.
All photographs must have been taken by a student in grades 6 through 12. Students in public, private, home and parochial schools are welcome to submit entries.
The entrant’s name, address, telephone number, school, grade, email, and the location of the photograph must be submitted along with the photographs.
Artwork must be mounted, total size including mat/mount cannot be larger than 16x20 inches.
Late, or previously published photographs are not eligible.
Subject matter must be appropriate for school display. This determination shall be final.
A team of professional photographers will judge the photos, based on originality, interest of subject matter, visual appeal, and technical merit. The decisions of the judges will be final.
Prizes will be announced at the virtual reception.
Deadline: Friday April 5, 2024, 5:00 pm
Questions? Email:

Hiding in plain sight: Autistic students who camouflage (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Compassion and understanding with teens who camouflage to fit in. Click the title for more information!

Trusting the Spark: Building Intrinsic Motivation with your Teen, (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Motivation from within for your teen’s autonomy and growth. Click the title for more information!

Team Communication with Your Teen: Family Strategies for Changing Attitudes (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Family communication skills to engage with your teen. Click the title for more information!

Raising a Thoughtful Teen: Science-Based Parenting Strategies for Teaching Empathy, Resilience and Getting Along With Others (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Building empathy and resilience skills in your teen. Click the title for more information!
Photography Festival - Submission Deadlines and Information
Submission Deadline for Photographs is 4 pm Friday March 8, 2023.
Welcome, everyone, to our Annual Photography Festival! Here are the general details:
Each spring, The Nora School sponsors a juried photography festival open to students in grades 6 through 12 from a wide variety of public, private, home and charter schools throughout the metropolitan Washington, DC, area.
You are invited to participate! Student photographers address a variety of themes in any way they choose, and a panel of professional photographers judges submissions.
The festival culminates in an an exhibition, a photography workshop, and reception here at Nora School, to which participating students and their families are invited. Prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place, with honorable mentions.
This annual event is a real favorite among students, parents, and teachers — and we hope you’ll join us again this year!
Submission guidelines
No entry fee is required.
Maximum of two entries per person.
Photographs may be in color or black and white.
All photographs must have been taken by a student in grades 6 through 12. Students in public, private, home and parochial schools are welcome to submit entries.
The entrant’s name, address, telephone number, school, grade, email, and the location of the photograph must be submitted along with the photographs.
Artwork must be mounted, total size including mat/mount cannot be larger than 16x20 inches.
Late, or previously published photographs are not eligible.
Subject matter must be appropriate for school display. This determination shall be final.
A team of professional photographers will judge the photos, based on originality, interest of subject matter, visual appeal, and technical merit. The decisions of the judges will be final.
Prizes will be announced at the virtual reception.
Deadline: Friday March 8, 2023, 4:00 pm
Questions? E-mail:
Virtual Reception and Awards Presentation: Saturday March 18 2023, here at Nora. Contact for the information.

Self Regulation and Wellness in Teens (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
This live, virtual presentation will focus on strategies related to teenage anxiety, walking the fine line between protecting your child and bolstering their independence, counteracting avoidance, and navigating & diffusing conflict in your family.

What Works With Teens: Understanding Stress and Ways to Help Support (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Click the title for more information!

Radical Rest: The Art of Slowing Down: Mindfulness and Stress Strategies for Teens and Families (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Click the title for more information!

ADHD and Executive Functioning: What Parents Should Know (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Click the title for more information!

20th Annual Photography Festival!
The Nora School’s 20th Annual Photography Festival - April 30, 2022

Anxiety in Teens: Counterintuitive Strategies to help your Teen, with Jonathan Dalton, Ph.D. (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Click the title for more information!

Self Care and Parenting, with Theodra Washington, CEP (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Click the title for more information!

The Unlikely Art of Parental Pressure, with Dr. Hendrie Weisinger (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
Click the title for more information!

Photography Festival - Submission Deadline
Submission Deadline for Photographs is 4 pm Friday May 7. Complete this form
Here are the general details:
Each spring, The Nora School sponsors a photography festival open to students in grades 6 through 12 from a wide variety of public, private, home and charter schools throughout the metropolitan Washington, DC, area.
You are invited to participate! Student photographers address a variety of themes in any way they choose, and a panel of professional photographers judges submissions.
The festival culminates in an an exhibition and reception (virtually this year), to which participating students and their families are invited. Prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place, with honorable mentions.
This annual event is a real favorite among students, parents, and teachers — and we hope you’ll join us again this year!
Submission guidelines
No entry fee is required.
Maximum of two entries per person, but please submit both photos on the same electronic form..
Photographs may be in color or black and white, and submitted digitally.
All photographs must have been taken by a student in grades 6 through 12. Students in public, private, home and parochial schools are welcome to submit entries.
The entrant’s name, address, telephone number, school, grade, and the location of the photograph must be submitted along with the photographs.
Your picture should be 300 pixels per inch and at least 8” x 8” in dimension (or 2400 x 2400 pixels).
Late, or previously published photographs are not eligible.
Subject matter must be appropriate for school display. This determination shall be final.
A team of professional photographers will judge the photos, based on originality, interest of subject matter, visual appeal, and technical merit. The decisions of the judges will be final.
Prizes will be announced at the virtual reception.
Deadline: May 7, 2021, 4:00 pm
Nora School Photography Festival
Questions? E-mail:
Virtual Reception and Awards Presentation: May 21. Contact for the information.

Anxiety in Teens: Understanding Avoidance and Other Academic Issues with Dr. Rachel Singer (Virtual only, RSVP Required)
This live, virtual presentation will focus on strategies related to teenage anxiety, walking the fine line between protecting your child and bolstering their independence, counteracting avoidance, and navigating & diffusing conflict in your family.